Bladensburg Waterfront Park

Bladensburg Waterfront Park

4601 Annapolis Rd
Bladensburg, MD 20710

4601 Annapolis Rd
Bladensburg, MD 20710
Tel: (301) 779-0371; Maryland Relay 7-1-1
· Park Hours : Sunrise to Sunset (Daily)
Please call the park office for current park closing time
· Office Hours : 9 AM - 5 PM (Daily)
· Holidays : Closed on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, & New Year’s Day



Scroll left and right for information

<strong>Events & Programs</strong>

Bladensburg Waterfront Park offers many diverse, fun, and engaging programs for the public. From boat tours to hikes, bike rides to paddle events, there is plenty to do for all ages!

Upcoming Programs
<strong>Facility Rentals</strong>

At Bladensburg Waterfront Park, we offer rental facilities for birthday parties, family reunions, weddings, meetings and more! For more information, call (301) 779-0371.

Ropewalk Pavilion

The Ropewalk Pavilion is available for daily rentals and has approximately 24 picnic tables with a maximum seated capacity of 150 people. For information or to book the Ropewalk Pavilion, please call 301-779-0371 or come to the park office. Remember to bring a form of ID and payment.

Things to remember:

  • All renters must have a Parks Direct to complete a rental contract
  • Large groups or specialized functions (festivals and community events) must have permission, contract, or a reservation to use the pavilion or park
  • Alcoholic beverages and smoking are not permitted in the park
  • Grilling may be permitted with a contract and manager approval only
  • Live bands, performances, and DJs are not permitted without manager and Park Police approval.
  • Parking next to the pavilion or on the paved promenade area is not permitted
  • Security deposit and full payment are due at the time of reservation.
  • All pavilion contracts are for 10 am- 7 pm.
  • All M-NCPPC park rules apply. Please call for more information.


  • Tier 1: Up to 150 people (pavilion only)
    • Resident: $300*
    • Non-resident: $390
    • Security Deposit: $100
  • Tier 2: 150-250 people (pavilion and paved grounds)
    • Resident: $500*
    • Non-resident: $650
    • Security Deposit: $150
  • Tier 3: 250-500 people (pavilion, paved grounds, grass/vendor areas)
    • Resident: $1,000*
    • Non-resident: $1,300
    • Security Deposit: $200
  • *Residents are those who reside in Prince George’s County or Montgomery County. Proof of residency is required.

Waterfront Studio

The Waterfront Studio is available to rent by the hour for meetings, gatherings, parties, programs, lectures/exhibits, and other elegant functions.

Things to Remember:

  • Tables and chairs are provided for studio rental
  • The renter is responsible for set up and clean up of their event
  • Your paid rental times must include setup and breakdown/clean up
  • Mini-refrigerator and microwave available
  • Maintenance supplies are provided
  • Decorations are permitted; adhesives must not damage the surfaces of walls
  • Renters are permitted to use chafing dishes with canned gel fuel (sterno) to keep food warm
  • Includes exclusive use of riverfront patio

Hourly Fee Rates:

Minimum 4-hour rental on Saturdays and Sundays

  • Resident: $75/hour*
  • Non-resident: $98/hour
  • With Ropewalk Pavilion Contract:
    • Resident: $50/hour
    • Non-resident: $65/hour
  • Security deposit: $100 (additional fees may apply.) Security deposit is due at time of reservation. Remaining balance due 60 days prior to rental. If rented under 60 days before your event, the full balance will be due at the time of reservation.
  • *Residents are those who reside in Prince George’s County or Montgomery County. Proof of residency is required.

<strong>Equipment Rentals</strong>

We can get you equipped with recreational rental gear like kayaks, canoes, and bicycles! For more information, call (301) 779-0371.

General Info

  • April through October, 7 days a week (weather dependent), AM and PM rental sessions available via online reservation.
  • Online AM rental session from 9am to 12pm
  • Online PM rental session from 1pm to 4pm
  • Online reservations recommended. Reservations close at 12 noon the day before the rental.
  • Walk-up rentals are in 3 hr. blocks only, assuming boat availability. Walk-up rentals charged at a higher rate. See pricing below
  • Kayak, Canoe, and Boat Rentals

Rental Requirements & Details:

  • You must be at least 18 years of age to reserve a canoe or kayak.
  • Single kayakers must be 12 or older.
  • Persons 17 and under must have an adult (18 or older) with them at all times. Children under 3 not permitted in canoes or kayaks at any time.
  • Must have a Parks Direct account.
  • Must have a driver’s license or government-issued identification (with birth date verification).
  • A Personal Flotation Device (life jacket) is provided to all boaters and must be worn at all times while on the water
  • Please arrive several minutes prior to your launch time to park, gather your belongings, and prepare for your launch time. Parking is limited.
  • While staff will be on the dock for needed assistance, we encourage all renters to be able to get in and out of rental boats by themselves or with help from their group.
  • Additional fees will apply to the following: late returns, lost and/or damaged equipment, or rental agreement violations.

Canoe & Kayak Rates:

  • Residents:
    • $25/Kayak
    • $30/Tandem Kayak or Canoe
  • Non-residents:
    • $33/Kayak
    • $39/Tandem Kayak or Canoe
  • Walk-in rental rate (3 hour sessions only):
    • Residents:
    • $40/boat. Limited availability
    • Non-residents:
    • $52/boat. Limited availability
<strong>Boat Tour Info</strong>

Anacostia River Public Boat Tours

Come aboard our pontoon boat for an interpretive riverboat tour of the scenic Anacostia River! Public boat tours run on select days from April to October*. Boat tours are around 45 minutes long and open to the general public (individuals, families, and friends.)

Boat Departure Times:

  • Thursday – Sunday: 12 Noon

Tour Fees:

  • Resident: $3
  • Non-resident: $4
  • Families/groups may purchase up to 5 tickets total. If you need more than 5 tickets, you may need to schedule a private boat tour. Please call (301) 779-0371 for information.

Ticket Information:
Boat tour tickets can be purchased by visiting Parks Direct. Remaining tickets can be purchased at the park office on the day of the tour.

  • Tickets sales end 10 minutes before the boat tour departure.
  • All ticket sales are final. No refunds will be given unless the tour is canceled by park staff.
  • All ages welcome. Persons 16 and under must be accompanied by an adult.
  • All passengers must wear a life vest (issued before boarding).
  • Boat tours may be canceled due to inclement weather or low participation.
  • Minimum 6 people for public boat tours to run.
<strong>Boat Tour Info</strong>

Get outdoors in a fun and meaningful way! Bladensburg Waterfront Park offers science and social studies programs and tours to grades Preschool to 12th grade.

How to Schedule

Programs are available at our park (year-round) or at your school/location (November through March). The interactive programs and activities can range from 45 to 90 minutes.

Program outlines are available upon request. Programs can be modified for most grade levels. Please call (301) 779-0371 or email to schedule a program!


Programs presented on-site at Bladensburg Waterfront Park (Minimum $75 program fee)

  • Prince George’s and Montgomery County schools, camps, and organizations:
    • $4 per person for a program
    • $3 per person for a river boat tour
    • $5 per person for a program taught on the river boat (* for select programs)
    • $3 per person for a B&O Caboose tour
  • All other counties and Washington, D.C. schools, camps, and organizations:
    • $6 per person for a program
    • $4 per person for a river boat tour
    • $7 per person for a program taught on the river boat (*for select programs)
    • $4 per person for B&O Caboose tour

Programs presented at your school or facility (Minimum $65 program fee)

  • $6 per person for Prince George’s and Montgomery County schools, camps, and organizations
  • $8 per person for groups in all other counties and Washington, D.C.

Signature Programs

River Boat Tours

Come aboard our pontoon boat for an interpretive riverboat tour of the scenic Anacostia River! Boat
tours are around 45 minutes long. Life jackets are provided. Boat tour availability may change due to
the weather or river conditions. Boat tours can be added to paid programs for an additional fee. Some
programs can be modified to be taught on the boat.

B&O Caboose Tours

Visit the newly renovated B&O Caboose. Students will learn about the various parts of this train car,
see the crewman’s quarters, sit at the conductor’s desk, climb into the cupula to see the view from up
high, ring the train bell, and use their imagination as they explore this 1926 Historic B&O Caboose.


Animal Characteristics & Adaptations: Recommended for Grades Preschool – 5

  • This program can be modified to be taught on the boat.
  • This program can be taught at your school or facility November – March.

All about animals! Discover where animals live, what they eat, how they move, how they adapt
to survive, and much more. This fun program will focus on adaptations of reptiles, amphibians,
mammals, birds, and fish. Students will explore furs, bones, scales, feathers, models and, other
super cool items to enhance their learning experience. For additional fees, students can go on a
boat tour to explore river habitats and wetlands, and/or visit the newly renovated B&O

Water & You: Recommended for Grades 1 – 5

  • This program can be taught at your school or facility November – March

Water, water, everywhere! Students will explore the components and chemistry of water, the
water cycle, water conservation, water safety, and the importance of water as a natural
resource to the survival of plants and animals. Students will participate in several fun water
science experiments and investigations. For additional fees, students can go on a boat tour to
further explore river habitats and wetlands, and/or visit the newly renovated B&O Caboose.

Geology, Rocks, & Minerals: Recommended for Grades 4 – 5

Rock on! Students will learn about geological features and gain a better understanding of the
rock cycle and the formation of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. In this hands-on
program, students will work in small groups to identify rocks and classify them into groups
according to their properties. For additional fees, students can go on a boat tour to explore river
habitats and wetlands, and/or visit the newly renovated B&O Caboose.

Plants, Cycles, & Interactions: Recommended for Grades 4 – 6

Let’s get growing! Students will examine the life cycles and characteristics of plants and gain an
understanding of photosynthesis, plant respiration, and energy flow in an ecological system.
Students will participate in plant-based science experiments and hands on activities. For
additional fees, students can go on a boat tour to explore river habitats and wetlands, and/or
visit the newly renovated B&O Caboose

Weather, Meteorology, & the Climate: Recommended for Grades 4 – 8

What’s up with weather? Students will investigate the major components of weather, the
importance of weather to the survival of plants and animals, the water cycle, concepts in
meteorology, and learn the difference between weather and climate. Students will participate in
fun interactive activities and use tools, symbols, and math to measure and interpret the
weather. For additional fees, students can go on a boat tour to explore river habitats and
wetlands, and/or visit the newly renovated B&O Caboose.

Wetlands & Watersheds: Recommended for Grades 3 – 12

  • This program can be modified to be taught on our pontoon boat.
  • This program can be taught at your school or facility November – March

Explore the wonderful world of wetlands, their functions, and importance to the health of the
Chesapeake Bay and surrounding ecosystems. Students will learn about wetland plants and
animals, watersheds, pollution, erosion, and other factors affecting the local wetlands and
rivers. Students will participate in an engaging hands-on wetland science experiment to design
and build model wetlands. For additional fees, students can go on a boat tour to further explore
river habitats and wetlands, and/or visit the newly renovated B&O Caboose.

Outdoor Nature Discovery

Discovery Walks: Recommended for Grades Preschool – 4

Students will go on a Naturalist-led nature walk in the park and along the trail to explore
ecosystems, wildlife, plants, and more. Field guides, binoculars, nets, critter catchers, and other
fun supplies are provided so students can fully engage with their surroundings. Self-guided
park scavenger hunts are available. For additional fees, students can go on a boat tour to
explore river habitats and wetlands, and/or visit the newly renovated B&O Caboose.

Ecosystem Explorers: Recommended for Grades 5 and up

Using multiple tools and technology, students explore ecosystems using field guides, sein nets,
binoculars, butterfly nets, critter catchers, and measuring tools. The study areas may include
gardens, forests, marshes, and river/wetland ecosystems. Students will collect data and make
hypotheses and observations. For Additional fees, students can also take a boat ride to the
Bladensburg Marsh for an outdoor classroom experience full of investigations and discoveries,
take a full boat tour down river to further explore river habitats and wetlands, and/or visit the
newly renovated B&O Caboose.

Social Studies

Stories of the Railroad: Recommended for Grades 2 – 5

Students will examine how the railroad influenced settlement patterns and industry in the
Maryland and Washington, D.C. areas. Students will discover what geographical features of the
land dictated where the railroad was built. Students will compare and contrast the past and
present with photos of towns and buildings, maps, trains, methods of communication, mail
delivery methods, the movement of goods, and more. Students will be able to create a
photographic timeline to gain a better understanding of how railroad transportation has
changed overtime. Students will visit the newly renovated historic B&O Caboose. For additional
fees, students can go on a boat tour to explore river habitats and wetlands

Native American Culture of the Eastern Woodlands Peoples: Recommended Grades 3 – 12

  • This program can be modified to be taught on our pontoon boat.
  • This program can be taught at your school or facility November – March

Using multiple tools and technology, students explore ecosystems using field guides, sein nets,
binoculars, butterfly nets, critter catchers, and measuring tools. The study areas may include
gardens, forests, marshes, and river/wetland ecosystems. Students will collect data and make
hypotheses and observations. For Additional fees, students can also take a boat ride to the
Bladensburg Marsh for an outdoor classroom experience full of investigations and discoveries,
take a full boat tour down river to further explore river habitats and wetlands, and/or visit the
newly renovated B&O Caboose.

The War of 1812 & Battle of Bladensburg: Recommended Grades 5 and up

  • This program can be modified to be taught on our pontoon boat.
  • This program can be taught at your school or facility November – March

Students will learn about The War of 1812 in an engaging presentation. Students will learn
about the domestic and foreign causes of was and gain an understanding of America’s loss in
The Battle of Bladensburg. Students will learn about several factors that eventually lead to the
American defeat of the British. Students will be able to examine various items reflective of the
period that were used during that time in history. For additional fees, students can go on a boat
tour to explore river habitats and wetlands, and/or visit the newly renovated B&O Caboose

School Resources

Coming soon.

A student looks through binoculars at the river

<strong>Boat Tour Info</strong>

Come enjoy Bladensburg Waterfront Park, located on the scenic Anacostia River, one of the most historic waterways in America! Explore the river by boat or the hiker/biker trails linking to the Anacostia Tributary Trail System and the Anacostia River Trail to Washington, D.C.


  • Free admission
  • Canoe, kayak, bike, and trike rentals
  • Interpretive riverboat tours
  • B&O Caboose Tours
  • Riverside walking path
  • Picnic pavilion
  • Hiking/biking trails
  • Fishing pier
  • Boat ramp
  • Playground
  • War of 1812 & Battle of Bladensburg interpretive signs
  • Engage your class or group with an environmental or social studies program!
  • Enjoy special events in the park throughout the season including live concerts and festivals!


ADA Accommodation

The Department of Parks and Recreation encourages and supports the participation of individuals with disabilities. Register at least a minimum of two weeks in advance of the program start date to request and receive a disability accommodation.

Additional Information

For more information, call 301-446-6800; Maryland Relay 7-1-1 for customers who are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech disability or email Events may be canceled due to inclement weather or wet grounds. Call 301-927-0822 for weather-related cancellations. No events on Federal Holidays.

Call the park office (301) 779-0371 at if you have specific questions.

Stay in Touch!

Boat Tour Information

Bladensburg Waterfront Park Boat Ramp in the Spring: blue skies and a Cherry Blossom Tree in bloom

At Bladensburg Waterfront Park, we offer rental facilities for birthday parties, family reunions, weddings, meeting and more! We also get your equipped with recreational rental gear like kayaks, canoes, and bicycles! For more information, call (301) 779-0371.

Event Space Rentals

Ropewalk Pavilion

The Ropewalk Pavilion is available for daily rentals and has approximately 24 picnic tables with a maximum seated capacity of 150 people. For information or to book the Ropewalk Pavilion, please call 301-779-0371 or come to the park office. Remember to bring a form of ID and payment.

Things to remember:

  • All renters must have a Parks Direct to complete a rental contract
  • Large groups or specialized functions (festivals and community events) must have permission, contract, or a reservation to use the pavilion or park
  • Alcoholic beverages and smoking are not permitted in the park
  • Grilling may be permitted with a contract and manager approval only
  • Live bands, performances, and DJs are not permitted without manager and Park Police approval.
  • Parking next to the pavilion or on the paved promenade area is not permitted
  • Security deposit and full payment are due at the time of reservation.
  • All pavilion contracts are for 10 am- 7 pm.
  • All M-NCPPC park rules apply. Please call for more information.


  • Tier 1: Up to 150 people (pavilion only)
    • Resident: $300*
    • Non-resident: $390
    • Security Deposit: $100
  • Tier 2: 150-250 people (pavilion and paved grounds)
    • Resident: $500*
    • Non-resident: $650
    • Security Deposit: $150
  • Tier 3: 250-500 people (pavilion, paved grounds, grass/vendor areas)
    • Resident: $1,000*
    • Non-resident: $1,300
    • Security Deposit: $200
  • *Residents are those who reside in Prince George’s County or Montgomery County. Proof of residency is required.

Waterfront Studio

The Waterfront Studio is available to rent by the hour for meetings, gatherings, parties, programs, lectures/exhibits, and other elegant functions.

Things to Remember:

  • Tables and chairs are provided for studio rental
  • The renter is responsible for set up and clean up of their event
  • Your paid rental times must include setup and breakdown/clean up
  • Mini-refrigerator and microwave available
  • Maintenance supplies are provided
  • Decorations are permitted; adhesives must not damage the surfaces of walls
  • Renters are permitted to use chafing dishes with canned gel fuel (sterno) to keep food warm
  • Includes exclusive use of riverfront patio

Hourly Fee Rates:
Minimum 4-hour rental on Saturdays and Sundays

  • Resident: $75/hour*
  • Non-resident: $98/hour
  • With Ropewalk Pavilion Contract:
    • Resident: $50/hour
    • Non-resident: $65/hour
  • Security deposit: $100 (additional fees may apply.) Security deposit is due at time of reservation. Remaining balance due 60 days prior to rental. If rented under 60 days before your event, the full balance will be due at the time of reservation.
  • *Residents are those who reside in Prince George’s County or Montgomery County. Proof of residency is required.

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Kayak, Canoe, Boat Rentals

  • April through October, 7 days a week (weather dependent), with launch times from 9 am to 2 PM (online)/ 3 PM (walk-up), with equipment return by 4 pm.
  • Online reservations recommended. Reservations close at 12 noon the day before the rental. Walk-up rentals based on boat availability.

Rental Requirements & Details:

  • You must be at least 18 years of age to reserve a canoe or kayak.
  • Single kayakers must be 12 or older.
  • Persons 17 and under must have an adult (18 or older) with them at all times. Children under 3 not permitted in canoes or kayaks at any time.
  • Must have a Parks Direct account.
  • Must have a driver’s license or government-issued identification (with birth date verification).
  • A Personal Flotation Device (life jacket) is provided to all boaters and must be worn at all times while on the water
  • Please arrive several minutes prior to your launch time to park, gather your belongings, and prepare for your launch time. Parking is limited.
  • While staff will be on the dock for needed assistance, we encourage all renters to be able to get in and out of rental boats by themselves or with help from their group.
  • Additional fees will apply to the following: late returns, lost and/or damaged equipment, or rental agreement violations.

Things to remember:

  • All renters must have a Parks Direct to complete a rental contract
  • Large groups or specialized functions (festivals and community events) must have permission, contract, or a reservation to use the pavilion or park
  • Alcoholic beverages and smoking are not permitted in the park
  • Grilling may be permitted with a contract and manager approval only
  • Live bands, performances, and DJs are not permitted without manager and Park Police approval.
  • Parking next to the pavilion or on the paved promenade area is not permitted
  • Security deposit and full payment are due at the time of reservation.
  • All pavilion contracts are for 10 am- 7 pm.
  • All M-NCPPC park rules apply. Please call for more information.

Canoe & Kayak Rates:

  • Residents:
    • $25/Kayak
    • $30/Tandem Kayak or Canoe
  • Non-residents:
    • $33/Kayak
    • $39/Tandem Kayak or Canoe

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