Event Information

Since the era of emancipation, black migration to the Washington, D.C. region has been fueled by the promise of economic opportunities, especially those opportunities afforded by employment with the federal government. For generations of African Americans, careers in the federal civil service have paved the way for professional advancement and economic security, expanding the ranks of the middle black class. However, this path has also been fraught with obstacles born of the nation’s dark history of segregation and racism. This exhibit explores this complicated history, focusing on how Black federal employment has shaped Prince George’s County.
This exhibition is curated by the M-NCPPC Black History Program. For additional information, email blackhistory@pgparks.com or call 240-264-3415.
To RSVP for the opening reception, email blackhistory@pgparks.com.
Black History Month 2025 Opening Reception
Ticket Price: Free
Age: All