Event Information

Afternoon Aviators: Black History Month
Ticket Price: FREE with admission $5 adult; $4 senior; $2 student; FREE children under 2 and Field of Firsts members
Age: All
College Park Aviation Museum
(301) 864-6029 collegeparkaviation@pgparks.com 1985 Corporal Frank Scott DriveCollege Park, MD
Saturday, February 22, 2025
1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Explore a variety of STEM and aviation-themed sciences with a short lesson and activity. Ideal for learners ages 8-12. THIS MONTH: To celebrate Black History Month, join us as we celebrate John Greene and his quest to make flying accessible to all Americans! As the founder of the first African American Civil Air Patrol squadron in the area, Greene worked with a local Black aviator group called Cloud Club to open their own airfield right here in Prince George’s County. Now it’s your turn to follow in their footsteps: design a clubhouse for your own flying group, as well as a plane to fly there!